賞楓 Autumn-leaf peeping

在晴朗的上午,踏單車在高山賞楓🍁,但今年晚上真的太冷了,紅葉差不多是「最終盤」,幸好趕上了尾班車,再到櫻山八幡宮外的咖啡店喝一杯可愛貓貓cappuccino, 咖啡店的伯伯婆婆十分親切,滿滿的人情味☺️
This morning, I cycled around Takayama for autumn-leaf peeping. Since it has been very cold at night, the autumn colors are going to end very soon. This is the first time for me to try the cappuccino by the owners of little cafe ‘warajiya’ in front of Sakurayama Hachiman Shrine. The coffee was so tasty and the couples are super friendly too. Feel so touched with their hospitality ☺️
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#autumnleaves #紅葉狩り #autumncolors #fascinating #leafpeeping #autumnfoliage 

彤你遊日本 "Travel Tungether"

A local tour guide sharing updated info in Japan. Part-time work as a travel planner and private tour guide. Please feel free to contact me. Email: bonniechow1007@hotmail.com


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