天婦羅小店 Tempura restaurant

很久沒有更新了,大家好嗎?5月中去了歐洲3個星期,6月初回來了都忙著上班,終於可以更新網頁及Facebook 了。
前陣子香港朋友來了高山,帶了她們去吃這邊屋台街的人氣天婦羅店--寿天。店裡只有6個位置,推介1800日圓的omakase (店家幫你選)的餐,因為廚師會給你當天時令的食物,一定不會令你失望。 我最喜歡的是炸芝麻豆腐及炸豆腐皮😍😋 
I have been busy working after a long trip in Europe. Finally I am able to update my blog and Facebook again. My friends from Hong Kong visited me last week and I brought them to a popular tempura restaurant-Toshiten in a food stall alley where the chef cooks in front of the guests. I recommended 'omakase' course which the chef serves the best seasonal food to the guests. My favorite is fried sesame tofu and friend bean curd. Seafood, fish and chicken are served too!!! 😍😋
 #高山 #夏 #traveljapan #japantravel #lovejapan #travelblogger #traveltungether #travel #彤你遊日本 #tempura #天婦羅 #美食 #takayama #tourguide #japan #lovejapan 

彤你遊日本 "Travel Tungether"

A local tour guide sharing updated info in Japan. Part-time work as a travel planner and private tour guide. Please feel free to contact me. Email: bonniechow1007@hotmail.com


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