お花見 Cherry Blossom

昨天高山冷得像冬天,今天回暖,午餐後與同事在高山踏著單車賞櫻花。櫻花8成開了,比平年早了2星期😅I cycled along the river after lunch this afternoon with colleague for viewing Sakura blossom. The blooming is 2 weeks earlier than usual.   
註:上週末去了飛騨萩原賞櫻,真的很漂亮。現在已經開始凋謝了😰 也附上相片給大家看看!
P.S. Last time I went to Hida Hagiwara for viewing Sakura blossom and it was awesome! However, as of today, the flowers' petal started to fell to the ground already. The pictures are also attached here. Please check it out! 
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彤你遊日本 "Travel Tungether"

A local tour guide sharing updated info in Japan. Part-time work as a travel planner and private tour guide. Please feel free to contact me. Email: bonniechow1007@hotmail.com


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