暖暖的白川鄉 Shirakawago is getting warmer

今天陽光燦爛,白川鄉15度,是這一年最暖和的,白川鄉還跟hello kitty 合作,喜歡的要去白川鄉展望台拍照喔😍Guiding in a beautiful and warm (15 c) sunny day. This year Shirakawago is collaborated with Hello Kitty. If you would like to take a picture with hello kitty in Shirakawago, please visit observation point☺️ #traveljapan #sunny #snow #travelblogger #Shirakawago #traveltungether #tourguide #白川郷 #合掌村 #合掌造り集落 #晴れ #冬 #彤你遊日本 #導遊 

彤你遊日本 "Travel Tungether"

A local tour guide sharing updated info in Japan. Part-time work as a travel planner and private tour guide. Please feel free to contact me. Email: bonniechow1007@hotmail.com


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