女兒節 Girls' festival
日本傳統的女兒節是在3月3日,家裡有女兒的會在家放女兒節人偶,在超市及便利店也會售賣女兒節的食物。高山比其他地方冷一點,我們的女兒節是4月3日,今天日本同事買了3種女兒主題甜點,法國同事就說「我們還可以多吃一個月呢!」 Girls festival in Japan is typically on 3 March and dolls are displayed in the house until today if your family has a daughter. However, Takayama is colder which our girls' day is one month later i.e 3 April. Japanese colleague bought us some festive dessert and French colleague simply said 'we are able to eat the festive dessert for one more month!' 😋😋
P.S. the dessert are so yummy!! 甜點真的很美味!😝😝
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