炭酸泉 Carbonated spring

下週就是農曆新年,今天去了美容院(即髮型屋)染髮加剪髮,剛碰上用line 預約送炭酸泉的優惠,所以全程都用了炭酸泉的水來洗頭。我覺得最神奇的是促進血液循環,洗到第二次我不用兩秒就睡著了,另外效果比焗油很好。有機會大家要來日本試一下😍😍😍 
Next week is Chinese New Year and I went to salon this afternoon for dyeing my hair. Coincidentally the salon is offering a free trial of using carbonated spring for washing hair.
I feel amazed for the benefit especially for my blood circulation. I felt asleep in only 2 secs and it is better than doing the treatment ☺️ If you have a chance to visit salon in Japan, please try it out 😍

彤你遊日本 "Travel Tungether"

A local tour guide sharing updated info in Japan. Part-time work as a travel planner and private tour guide. Please feel free to contact me. Email: bonniechow1007@hotmail.com


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